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17.08.2005, 20:38
Ein paar Infos zu Azadirachtin (dem Wirkstoff von Neemöl) ... immer Vorsicht mit Wundermittelchen. ;)


Nach dieser Studie wurden sechs Hirnturmorförderliche Zelllinien in Azadirachtin isoliert.

it is continued.



Neemix 4.5, is also a chemical pesticide containing the active ingredient, Azadirachtin, which is an extract from the seed of the Neem tree. The manufacturer misleadingly advertises this pesticide formulation as being a naturally occurring botanical insecticide. However, the pesticide formulation is not naturally occurring, as the chemical company mixes the active ingredient with other chemical formulants to create the pesticide application mixture.

Precise and accurate information on the other ingredients and impurities in the Neemix formulation has not been provided to the public by the manufacturer or by the Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency. As with other chemical pesticides there is none or little independent testing of the health and environmental effects of Neemix. Health Canada has given only a temporary registration for Neemix until the manufacturer, the Thermortrilogy Corporation, has carried out additional chemistry, toxicological, and efficiency studies as a condition of this temporary registration.

Health Canada indicates that there is a lack of studies and data regarding the impact of Neemix on human and animal health, particularly the absence of chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies. Based on two data packages submitted by the pesticide manufacturer, which Health Canada found deficient, the federal regulatory agency still determined that there were no observed adverse effects levels pertaining to this pesticide. However, the data submitted did indicate low acute toxicity , irritation to eyes and skin and effects on the liver, kidney, heart, adrenal gland, and ovaries of rats. The limited data on this pesticide available to Health Canada officials did indicate that there were immunotoxicity effects and potential adverse effects on the endocrine system, and adverse reproductive effects (spermicidal activity). In a study of Neem concentrate via oral gavage there was 30% decrease in body weight in mice and confirmation that the Neem concentrate can negatively affect the immune system.

Neemix was also determined to be highly volatile and also transports readily through soils. Azadirachtin, the active ingredient of Neemix is very highly toxic to fish such as trout and highly toxic to Daphna magna, an aquatic crustacean species whose health within an ecosystem indicates the over-all ecological health of that ecosystem.

Alles in Allem wurden durch Azadirachtin Auswirkungen auf das zentrale Nervensystem, dem Immunsystem, dem endokrinen System (Störung des Hormonhaushalts), Depressionen,Wachstumsstörungen (30% weniger Gewicht bei Mäusen) und sogar die Entwicklung von Hirnturmoren festgestellt. Und das entgegen der Angaben in den Beipackzetteln. Von wegen unbedenklich für Fische ... oder gar Mensch und Tier ...

Bei der Anwendung von natürlichem Neemöl sollen diese schädigende Wirkungen durch andere Wirkstoffe des Neemextrakts unterdrückt werden ... man wird sehen, was weitere Studien ergeben ...